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Below are a few of the places I visit on a regular basis, as well as links of special note. Please feel free to browse them at your leisure. Some of the sights are very graphics intensive. Some sights may also have content of a more mature nature. I have not linked any pornography sites, however, I may have links to literary sites with mature content. Please browse with an open mind and a receptive heart.

Be sure to check out the Space related links below.


Space Related Sitestop

  • N.A.S.A.
    The official site of the Government agency doing more with less than ever before. If you want to go into space in your lifetime, these are the guys who are going to take you there.

  • Space Telescope Science Institute
    This is the official web site for the Hubble Space Telescope. Though there have been problems with this originally myopic telescope, the images coming back are nothing less than outstanding.

  • The International Space Station
    The International Space Station is the next step to the stars. This site has everything (almost) that you would want to know about it.

  • The Lunar Prospector
    The Lunar Prospector site is a web site devoted to our nearest neighbor, Luna. This site covers not just US exploration of Luna, but Russia, Japan and European expeditions as well. Definitely a content heavy site.

Entertainment Related Sites (or what I do on a slow sunday afternoon)top

  • Babylon 5 official web site
    This site is the official Warner Brothers Babylon 5 web site. There is much good content and information about the show in general.

  • The Lurkers Guide to Babylon 5
    This web site is filled to overflowing with plot synopses, episode guides, spoiler pages, cast information, and anything else you would want to know. I believe this to be one of the greatest fan sites of any tv show I have ever seen.

  • The Great Machine
    The Great Machine refers to the unfathomably complex machine that is entombed in the 'dead' planet that Babylon 5 orbits, Epsilon 3. This site has more fan information and is presented as a 'real' web site that you would find onboard the actual station. This is one of the more graphically intensive and stunningly beautiful Babylon 5 sites I have seen yet.

  • Sonic Images Records
    Sonic Images Records is the label under which the Babylon 5 Soundtracks and other works by Christopher Franke are published. Franke's works range from TV and movie soundtracks to his most recent release, "Transformation of Mind" where he supplies the background and ambient music for readings by Deepak Chopra. Included on this site are sound clips from his many albums as well as ordering information if your local record store doesn't carry his works.

Lightwave 3D Related Sites top

  • Newtek Inc.
    Newtek Incorporated, headquartered in Topeka, Kansas, USA, is the company that has truly brought a revolution to the computer graphics and television production industries. Their products, especially Lightwave 3D, have made low budget, very high production value television effects possible. And no, I do not work for them. :)

  • AGA Digital Studios.
    AGA Digital Studios is run by Dan Ablan, author of the recently released Inside Lightwave book by New Riders Publishing. AGA Digital Studios is a 3D production facility and authorized Newtek Training center.

  • The Lightwave Mailing List Contest
    This site is the home of the Lightwave Mailing List rendering contest. Each month, there is a new topic and new prizes. Contestants are voted upon by their peers.

  • Mach Universe
    The home page of David Hopkins. One of the more prolific writers of Lightwave help and tutorials You'll find a gallery of some great Lightwave generated imagery and animations as well as a link to Taming the Wave, a wonderful series of articles and tutorials written by David for Lightwave 3D users. There are articles dating back to 1992 here!

  • Prem Subrahmanyam Graphic Design
    Prem Subrahmanyam Graphic Design is responsible for two of the most useful and powerful plugins for Lightwave to date. Surface Effectors and Relativity. Go to the site to check them out and if you're a serious Lightwave animator, don't get caught without them.

  • #Lightwave Face-2-Face
    The official home page of the #lightwave irc channel (EFNet). You've chatted with them, you've quaked with them, you've been booted from the channel by them, now you can see the people behind the nicknames.

General 3D Related Sites top

  • Viewpoint Datalabs
    Viewpoint Datalabs is The place to go if you need that super detailed 3D model complete with textures by tomorrow. Check them out.

  • Persistence of Vision
    Persistence of Vision (aka POVRay) is a free multi-platform ray tracer. For those on a budget, this program is a must. It's not very fast compared to some commercial products, and is by no means an easy program to use, but it's feature set is considerable even compared to very high end commercial packages and the price is right, Free.

  • The Graphic Artists Guild
    This site (and the Guild in general) is one of the best business oriented web sites for graphic artists and animators. The guild guidelines cover everything from contract negotiation to salaries to spec prices.

Web Design Resources top

  • The World Wide Web Consortium
    The W3C organization is the group that designs and determines the standards for HTML. If you ever wanted to know more than any human should know about HTML and it's development and uses, then drop in on this site. Be warned, it's very content heavy and highly technical in nature.

  • The HTML Writers Guild
    The HTML Writers Guild is a loose organization devoted to helping anyone from the barest beginner to the most seasoned pro. This site has links to almost any HTML reference you would ever need and the mailing lists available to guild members are invaluable.

  • Realm Graphics
    Realm Graphics is a spectacular collection of free web icons, backgrounds, and other images for use in your web design.

Professional Links top

  • Digital Positions
    Digital Positions is a full service web development house. I currently work as a contractor for DP, performing functions ranging from 3D Animation to CGI programming.

  • Ebytes Infosystems
    Ebytes Infosystems is a very talented web design and internet consulting firm. Their site is rich in imagery with a very pleasing layout. Enjoy. I have worked with Ebytes Infosystems in the capacity of programmer, consultant and graphic artist.

  • Bang Interactive, Inc Bang Interactive is a small, but growing web design and multimedia company where I worked until Januaray, 1998. My duties there included systems administration, project proposals, 3D graphic design, web design, and cgi programming and development.

Other Sites of Noteworthiness. top

  • Boondock
    This site is home of Boondock Web Design, a very good up and coming Web site design firm. Browse this site for more than information on web design, for it is a very content rich site with pages on everything from theatre to fantasy artists to Native American concerns.

  • Amazon Books
    Amazon Books is the largest non-adult retailer on the web. They have millions of books with reviews, cover art, and sometimes excerpts. You can even sign up to sell books through your web page using their commerce servers. With a site like this, who needs a bookstore.

  • Barnes and Noble
    In the spirit of fairness, I have listed the other major bookseller online. I have not had any online dealings with Barnes and Noble, but have had wonderful times shopping their stores in the flesh. Let me know your comments regarding this site.
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